So I have been working on the update to Tap That and I decided that the UI needed a little bit of an update from the previous version. What a mistake of a decision that was. I’ve now ended up down a rabbit hole of UI design, scaling, DPI, DP, PPU but no PPI fortunately!

Turns out, trying to make a new UI layout and make it nice and graphical can be very difficult within Unity. Don’t get my wrong, their UI tools have come a long way over the years and I sure they will continue to make them better, however, that fact we have to position elements by exact amounts and can’t change them with percentages makes it really complicated to make an app UI which will be responsive for different devices.

I cracked it though! I have finally achieved what I thought would be impossible (at my level of understanding at least) and I have a new navigation UI for my game. Hopefully it will make getting around the application a little bit easier.

With that being said, I’m going to get back to the grind and Keep Building Games! Oooo that could be good on a t-shirt.

Take care all.

~ Chris