With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to get as much done on this application as possible before everything gets really manic and I have no time to do anything.

With that in mind, I’ve been working really hard on the update to the Tap That game this week and I found myself with a lot of time to focus on improving the code where there were some repeat functions being used. Low and behold it’s now better than what it was which is great.

I have also finally integrated a leader boards into the game as opposed to using Google’s Play Games services. I felt that coding my own would mean that I could have a lot more control over the data and how it’s being used. What is also means is that I can use this new customer leader board with other platforms if I ever decide to export to others (such as iOS or for Web). I haven’t tried it yet, but I might even be able to load the leader board into the Squixl Games website to allow an online leader board viewable by everyone, not just users who have downloaded the application.

It’s been a bit of a slog to get this working, however, I have learned so much from doing it which has been excellent and will definitely help if / when I decide to build a desktop game *watch this space*.

Included in this update is a settings page where you can change the volume of the music and sound effects, so if they annoy you, turn them off. If you want to annoy others in the room, turn them up.

You can also update your player username from the settings menu allowing all users to have a personalised name appear on the leader board. You don’t have to update your username, as the game will create a random unique name for each user.

Anyways, it shouldn’t be too much longer now and I’ll be able to put the application out there for testing. Looking forward to getting this all done and perhaps moving onto other projects in the new year.

For now; if I don’t get to post another update before Christmas, I hope everyone has a great time with family, friends and loved ones. Take care and don’t forget to keep playing games!

~ Chris

* Integrated leader board list into the application as opposed to using Google Play Services
* Added a leader board for both All time high scores and monthly high scores.
* Added a username for individual players which can be updated via settings.
* Added volume sliders to adjust the volume of the music and sound effects within the game.
* Refactored some code to enhance performance and gameplay.